Add & Subtract Polynomial Worksheets

Examples, solutions, videos, and worksheets to help Grade 7 and Grade 8 students learn how to add and subtract polynomials.

How to add and subtract polynomials?

There are three sets of adding and subtracting polynomials worksheets.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to add and subtract polynomials using the vertical method:

Addition of Polynomials:

  1. Write down the first polynomial.
  2. Write the second polynomial below the first, aligning like terms.
  3. Add the coefficients of the like terms.
  4. Write down any terms that cannot be combined.

Subtraction of Polynomials:

  1. Write down the first polynomial.
  2. Write the second polynomial aligning like terms, but change the sign of each of its terms (subtracting a polynomial is equivalent to adding its additive inverse).
  3. Add the coefficients of the like terms.
  4. Write down any terms that cannot be combined.

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Add & Subtract Polynomial Worksheets

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